
Product Page Quick Info


The “Product Page Quick Info” add-on allows you to add unlimited number of customizable blocks with quick important and catchy information on the right side of the product page. You can add any custom HTML in these custom blocks, and you can choose to open their content either in a pop-up window or in a dropdown. For Multi-Vendor users please note that each Vendor has the possiblity to add their own information in these blocks that you create for your Marketplace. However, Vendors cannot create such blocks, they can only add their own content it the “Product Page Quick Info” blocks pre-created by you. Each Vendor will have his own custom information in the “Product Page Quick Info” blocks on their product pages. For more information please refer to the “Advanced Multi-Vendor” add-on.



Please follow the steps below in order to learn how to create and customize a Product Page Quick Info block. NOTE: The demo blocks from our demo site will automatically be installed if you have closen to install the demo content under section “Installing demo data”


  • Step 1

In your admin panel, go to “Add-ons” - “EnergoThemes Add-ons” - “Product page quick info”


  • Step 2

In the next page click on the right side “Plus” to add a new Quick Info block. For the sake of the example, we have cliked on the block called “Shipping costs” that we have created on our demo site.


  • Step 3

In the newly opned page, choose your own settings for your newly created Quick Info Block. As of an example, ee’ll show you the settings we have chosed for the demo “Shipping costs” block. When you’re done, click on the top right blue “Save” button


A: Update for all languages - If you have more than one language you can check this box in order to update any modifications you make to a Product Page Quick Info block to the other language(s) as well
B: Title - Choose a title for your Quick Info block. We have chosen “Shipping costs” as the name for th demo block
C: Position - Type the position you want your block among the other Quick Info blocks
D: Type - Select how to open the Quick Info block content. You have 2 options here: “Popup” and “Dropdown”. We have chsoed to open the “Shipping costs” block in a dropdown
E: Expanded by default - Check this box if you want the content of you Info Block to be displayed as expanded. We have checked this box in our example
F: Required - This option will only appear in the Multi-vendor version. Check this to make it mandatory for your Vendors, so your vendors will be obliged to fill their custom content. For example, if you make the “Shipping costs” block required, then all of your Vendors will have to provide some quick info about their shipping costs.
G: Description - Add the HTML content for your Quick Info block. NOTE: This is only displayed on CS-Cart installations. For Multi-Vendor installations the content needs to be added by each vendor as explained here.
H: Icon and color settings - Choose an icon for your Quick Info block
  • H1: Use icon - Check this box if you want to add un icon to your Quick Info block. If this box remains unchecked, then no icon will be displayed for your Quick Info block
  • H2: Type - If you chose to add an icon to your Quick Info block, select the type of icon you want to use. You can choose between picking a “Font Awesome” icon, or add your own “Custom” icon. We have chsoen a Font Awesome icon in this example
  • H3: Icon colors - You have two options: “Use style colors” and “Custom colors”. So, choose “Use style colors” if you want to use the already pre-defined VIVAshop style colors (from your current chosen style), or choose “Custom colors” if you want to use your own custom colors
  • H4: Icon color - Pick the color for the icon
  • H5: Icon color hover - Pick the icon color when the hover the mouse over it
I: Block colors - You have two options here: “Use style colors” and “Custom colors”. So, choose “Use style colors” if you want to use the already pre-defined VIVAshop style colors (from your current chosen style), or choose “Custom colors” if you want to use your own custom colors
J: Block title color - Pick the color for the Quick Info title text
K: Block title background - Pick the color for the Quick Info title backgound
L: Block title hover color - Pick the color for the Quick Info block title text when it is hovered
M: Block title background hover - Pick the color for the Quick Info title backgound when it is hovered


  • Step 4

Repeat all of the above steps in order to create as many “Product Page Quick Info” blocks, as well as customize them as per your own needs.