
VIVAshop Documentation

How to update from v2.x to v3.14


Please note that this is a major VIVAshop theme update and the VIVAshop code was completely rewritten. So it will be like installing a new theme as any previous VIVAshop theme files and theme addons need to be removed from the server before installing new theme version.


Therefore, to correctly uninstall the previous VIVAshop theme, please follow these steps:


  • Step 1

Log into your administrator area and navigate to "Design" - "Themes". Hover over the default CS-Cart theme "Bright theme" (or any other default CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor theme) image and click "Activate". Once this is done, click the trash can icon (Remove Theme) near the "VIVAshop v2.xx" title.


  • Step 2

Using an FTP program navigate to the "var/themes_repository" folder on your server and delete the "vivashop" directory.


  • Step 3

Log into your Administrator area of your CS-Cart installation and navigate to "Add-ons" - "Downloaded add-ons"


  • Step 4

Press the gear icon near the "EnergoThemes - Category Search" addon and click Uninstall. Repeat for the rest of the "EnergoThemes" old addons


Please note that all theme styles, layout settings and custom changes to the theme files will be DELETED. We STRONGLY recommend performing the update (installing VIVAshop 3) on a development store, or, at the very least make a full backup of both your current files and the database before proceeding.


Once you have finished un-installing the previous version of VIVAshop, you may go to the "Installation" section.